
Working meditation is a good way to practice while sharing the joy of service with others. No amount of time is too small!

Gardening: No matter what happens in our world, the life of the garden goes on.

We invite individuals (no groups, please) to spend some time in our garden and join us in giving it loving attention. Gardening and ground care includes grass cutting, weeding, hedge trimming, raking, watering, etc. Your visit will include gardening in noble silence or minimal conversation if necessary; afterwards, enjoy sitting meditation in the garden. May our spirits be refreshed with baby green energy! Please email us (wontempleNC@gmail.com) to schedule a time.

Other areas in which your service is needed:

  • Technical support for live streaming

  • Cleaning (sweeping, spider web removal, etc.)

  • Teaching or editing in English

Please contact us at wontempleNC@gmail.com, and let us know when it is convenient for you to come.  We look forward to hearing from you.

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